Embrace the messy middle

I recently watched a video that really hit home for me. It was about that space of being between where you are and where you want to be. It’s called The Gap. Where you can envision what you want to create, in your life, or in your art, but you just can’t quite make it happen.

It’s so frustrating!

But it’s an important part of the process. It’s the messy middle and honestly, you might as well accept that it never really ends, so why not get comfortable there?

You will always be reaching for the next thing, the next great painting, the next life milestone. Just remind yourself that it’s okay, not only that, but to enjoy and embrace being exactly where you are right now.

Just keep trying to bridge that gap between where you are and where you want to be and slowly but surely progress will inevitably happen.

In fact, I wasn’t feeling very motivated to make goals for this year. Just the thought of it was completely overwhelming. So I think I will just embrace a year of messy middle. Maybe, if I’m lucky, it might be a year of my most growth ever. How fun would that be?

How about you? A year of goals or a year of embracing the messy middle