A peek inside my "day job"

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When I’m not busy being a mom, or painting, you can find me being an art director and designer for my business, TCG design. I’ve had this business for almost 30 years and so much has changed over the years. In the beginning is was much more about design and art, but over the years it’s naturally evolved into being more about business and computer work. I do really enjoy the design part of it, which comes in handy being a fine artist, too. Recently I’ve been designing some websites for other artists which is a great combination of my two loves, design and art. I give me the opportunity to gaze at art all day long!

I met Celeste at the Rehoboth Outdoor Fine Art Show last summer when we were both exhibiting there, and she reached out to me when she was ready for a new website. Now is the perfect time for all artists to create or update their sites because online sales are going up as in-person events are sadly almost non-existant.

Designing her website, which is filled with gorgeous mosaic art, was so inspiring! Take a look at her website at the link below. I think you will really enjoy her work. Oh, and please let me know if you see anything wonky that I should fix…I always appreciate all the feedback I can get!

If you are in need of a new website, please reach out to me.