White space
On Wednesday in our Inspiring Art Group we did a lesson on white space, or negative space as it’s also called. We explored how important it is in artwork, whether you use it or not, and it got me thinking about the concept of white space in life, too. As I always say, I learn so much about life from my art.
I learned about white space in college exploring graphic design. It’s an important tool for helping the eye move through a design or layout. It gives your eye a place to rest and gives the subject more importance simply by being there.
In our busy, noisy world, which seems to get busier and noisier by the day, the pause of white space time gains more and more importance. And creating art is (often) like white space time for me. Time to slow down and pause and listen to my inner voice…just like going for a walk, mowing or meditating. We all need to pay attention to the need for white space in our lives—to see that taking time to pause from life only brings more positive energy to the busy bits of life. Art and life go hand in hand. Listen to your inner voice and find time for the magic of white space, and keep spreading beauty!
“But in order to survive in this foreign world, I had to teach myself that love was very much like a painting. The negative space between people was just as important as the positive space we occupy. The air between our resting bodies, and the breath in our conversations, were all like the white of the canvas, and the rest our relationship—the laughter and the memories—were the brushstroke applied over time.”