Enjoying the process

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The brush in my hand, filled with white paint, gliding along the surface of my canvas feels so calm and quiet. Getting my painting surfaces ready for creating art is very therapeutic for me somehow. It’s a quiet time with no pressure for what the outcome will be. A beautiful white surface where anything can happen. The possibilities are endless.

And what about the fear of making the first mark on a clean white canvas? Well I say that’s the best part! That first mark is pure magic. The beginning of a beautiful journey. Dive in with no fear because you have nothing to lose. You can always start over and the worst thing that can happen is you will learn something during your journey.

Whether it’s the quiet prep time, that first mark, the messy middle, or the final stroke when you call your painting finished, just like that you created something that never existed before and you could never do exactly the same again. Enjoy the process!

kim smith