For the love of humpty dumpty

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I spent countless hours in the basement of my home when I was growing up. Sounds awful, but it really was wonderful. The TV would be on in the background of my memories…I love lucy, the brady bunch, family affair, the dating game. And my mother would be sewing…curtains, clothing for me, hemming pants for friends, or just making something fun. I would be playing and creating for hours on end.

My mother passed away when I was 12 after a long battle with cancer. My memory of her, the sound of her voice is dim, or really, non existent, except for a few photos. But this humpty dumpty that she made somehow is something that I have, completely randomly, to remind me of her. It lives on beyond her in my life. And I think of her whenever I see it.

It’s something that she would never have thought would be something that would have significance to me all these years later. But somehow it became just that.

Do you ever wonder what random item, or perhaps a painting, will live on beyond you for years to come? Do you have a random keepsake that brings fond memories?