

Do you ever feel like you are swimming upstream with all of your heart and getting nowhere? I feel that way almost daily. As soon as I accomplish a goal the goalpost immediately moves to the next goal with no pause for celebration, no time to rest and reflect. Just a new seemingly unsurmountable goal to accomplish.

It’s important to pause and feel a sense of accomplishment, whether it’s a life goal or simply completing a painting. So one of my goals of the moment is to find quiet spaces to listen to my intuition, so I can do more floating downstream instead of swimming upstream. To listen to what the flow of life is guiding me towards.

To slow down, to listen, to trust that everything is exactly as it’s meant to be. This applies to life and to the process of creating art. It’s never a race. If you trust and listen and slow down the next answer is there just waiting for you to notice. And that’s when the magic happens. Are you with me on this goal?