Glad to be back

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Do you know the feeling of when you are away on vacation for a week and you don’t drive anywhere, or even get in a car for that matter. And then, when it’s time to come home and you get behind the wheel, it feels really odd. Like you’re afraid that during the week you may have forgotten how to drive?

Painting and creating feels the same way to me. And even though I know I didn’t forget everything about art in just one week, if that little voice gets in my head, I can almost think it so.

I packed art supplies, books, a journal and some favorite pens and pencils, but I really needed a break from everything so only one small painting happened my entire week away. And that’s okay. Sometimes taking a break is incredibly important in the process.

Now that I’m back and ready to dive back in. I always dive back in gently, with no expectations, and just have fun. This painting of gladiolus is my gentle dive. I am grateful that I have something that I love to do so much. I am looking forward to fun and exciting things coming up and I hope you join me in the process.

So onward and upward and do try to carve out time to be creative every day…small steps toward amazing things!

Do you ever feel the same way?