Harry likes straight lines


Mowing is a household chore that I really don’t mind doing. Besides laundry, it may be my favorite chore. I like things where your progress is noticeable and there is an obvious point where you are finished, unlike cleaning. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a perfect lawn-, edger- kind of person, but the process of mowing, and having time to think, can be almost therapeutic in a way.

So Harry, my neighbor, is perfect lawn, a mow on Monday/Thursday (no matter what), straight lines going in rotating directions each time-kind of guy.

Last week when it was super hot, he had finished the upper, around the house, more challenging part of his mowing, but had not finished the back yard that connects with mine, because it was just too hot. So I offered to finish it up for him as I mowed my own lawn.

Knowing that Harry is a straight line kind of mower, I did my best to follow his pattern across both of our lawns. I can’t say it was easy. I realized something about myself that day while thinking about all of this. I am much more of a square or circle kind of person. Straight lines, for me, can feel a bit boring. My favorite is to mow around and around the perimeter finishing up in the center. It’s not as tidy looking afterward, but the journey is more fun.

I guess what I learned is…there are straight line people, and around the perimeter people, and everything in between..and you need to enjoy your journey, whatever it is. In all aspect of your life. In art, in cooking, in sewing, in exploration and in creating art. Feed it, nurture it and always appreciate it…