Jack of all trades, master of none

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I have loved art and creativity my entire life. When I was young I loved creating Barbie clothing out of wallpaper (my father was a house painter and wallpaper hanger and would bring old paper books home for me because he knew I loved them), I created entire floor plans with crayons. I loved drawing, coloring, cross-stitch (I thought I’d be a cross stitch pattern creator when I grew up :)

In college I enjoyed every class that I had a chance to take, graphic design, typography, illustration, printmaking, weaving, life drawing, but never took a painting class. What was I thinking? I loved quilting, sewing, even made a stuffed crocodile for my preppy college roommate, Rebecca. I sewed all of my own curtains in my home, knitted sweaters for my kids.

Now I love creating in oils, acrylics, watercolor, colored pencil,…any art supply that crosses my path. I’d love to try encaustic and pottery someday.

My journey of being a jack of all trades has served me well. Each thing leads to the next and inspires whatever is ahead. Art is not to be mastered but endlessly enjoyed. I am so very fortunate to have a passion that makes me endlessly happy and feeds my soul.

Never stop enjoying being a jack of all trades, in art and in life!

The endless journey of creativity, of following you muse where ever it leads you, is pure magic.

Are you a jack of all trades like me? What makes your heart sing?