Life is good!

It was a big weekend around the Smith household. One of my daughters got married (Emily) and the other (Izzy) went back to college at Duguesne the following day. There is nothing I love more than having my family all together!

The wedding was beautiful, intimate and just perfect. Only eleven of us total. They are making plans for a big backyard bash next summer to celebrate.

Celebrations always remind me of the passing of time, which I don’t even notice in day-to-day life. I must admit it makes me a bit melancholy being reminded of how incredibly quickly time flies by. It was just yesterday that my sweet Emily was sitting in her chair in her Hanna Anderson night gown with the ruffle on the bottom, at our kitchen table, missing one of her front teeth and eating a sprinkle donut. Now she is married (to a great guy I must add), living in her new home with two german shepards that she adores with all of her heart.

It’s a reminder to me to enjoy the small moments, go on the vacations I dream of, and paint every chance I get, because this next third of life will fly by just like the last two did.

Life is good. I am blessed.