Little by little…

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It’s all about embracing the journey. And constantly pushing yourself to learn and explore. Recently I’ve been exploring landscape painting. Some of them I like, some, not so much.

How could painting landscapes be so darn illusive? I’ve been experimenting with glazing, putting down layers of transparent colors over top of each other which gives it a beautiful atmosphere…but the clouds still look pasted on top. I’m not aiming for realism. I’m honestly not sure what I’m aiming for.

But little by little I will have more wins and become more confident. I know it takes practice and faith in the process. And patience. Did I say patience? That’s always a tricky one for me. But it’s my ongoing lesson, in art and in life. To be patient and trust the process and enjoy the journey.

This is something I am reminding myself of constantly. I love the process of creating art and if every painting turned out great there would be nothing new to explore and what would be the fun in that?

So I’m just reminding myself to enjoy the journey and be patient with myself, and if you need to hear that too…well…that means you are on the right path!

What fun things are you exploring right now?