On being in the moment


When are the times that you find yourself being totally in the moment—when you are not thinking about the endless to-do list, what’s next, or what you forgot to do—when you are fully present?

For me, that’s when time passes gently without me trying to control it. It’s when I’m spending a holiday with my family, when I’m practicing yoga, and when I am creating. Those are the magic moments in life, and what we all need to find more space for in our lives. To create balance, peace and love.

As we go into this holiday weekend, I wish you more of those moments. So tell me, what’s on your “in the moment” list?

This is the painting from my weekly Instagram Wednesday morning live that happens each week at 8am (est). Stop by and say hello if you can. This painting was inspired by a photo taken by a high school friend, Greta.