One step backward, two steps forward

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I am in love. Completely, head-over-heels in love. With creating, painting and sharing my journey. When I am in my studio all sense of time stops. Well not always, but sometimes, and it’s magical when it does.

And as I develop my artistic style, which will be an eternal journey, I try to pay attention to the shifts.

Up close, it’s difficult to see. The steps are tiny and incremental. Sometimes they feel like they are nonexistant. That I am stagnant and my art is beginning to all look the same. But that’s the goal, right? For my art to to have a consistent look and feel. Isn’t that what we are striving for? But the nature of being creative, in my opinion, is to continually transform and progress. A state of constant change.

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One of the best ways of doing this is to look at your art from a different perspective. Whether it’s stepping back, walking away and coming back later with fresh eyes, turning your painting upside down or looking at it through a mirror, or changing the point of view of your subject like I did with my recent romantic florals on paper.

It takes me one step backward and two steps forward. And for an impatient person, that has always been a challenge. I want to be full steam ahead all the time, with no backward steps. But taking those backward steps are so very important.

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And this applies to life, too, of course it does…in relationships, decisions and challenges. Always remember to step back, walk away and come back with fresh eyes, look at things from a different perspective. One step backwards, two steps forward.

So slowing down to appreciate your baby steps, or notice where you are in need of a new perspective is crucial to your growth. Have faith in your journey and be patient with yourself. Happy Valentine’s Day my friend!