Reckless Confidence

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We just took our youngest to her freshman year of college at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. It’s about four hours from home—a crazy long stretch of interstate highway is in between us now. On our way home from dropping her off, it was dark and there were 18-wheelers as far as I could see on the bendy highway filled with hills. My husband was driving this time but I will, no doubt, make this journey on my own many times over the next four years. I am usually a confident driver but this highway and all of the huge trucks felt scary and reckless to me. And when you are driving in a situation like this you need to be confident in order to arrive safely at your destination. Because being hesitant, or making one bad decision, you could end uo…well, you know what I’m saying.

Confidence it key.


The same goes with your creative practice, or whatever you are passionate about. You need to find your inner confidence. But with your art, no one will get hurt if something goes wrong, you have nothing to lose.

So it was a reminder to me to proceed with confidence, even if it feels a bit reckless sometimes.

Are you working on something that you need the reminder to be recklessly confident about? I’d love to know.

Izzy and me, and Izzy with her roommate Claudia.

Izzy and me, and Izzy with her roommate Claudia.