Resend to Unopens
Just the other day I found these three magic words in my email platform. An entirely new concept to me…every single day there is something new to learn, right? I can just resend an email to people who didn’t open my email the first time.
I could assume that if someone didn’t open my email, they didn’t want to. But life is so incredibly busy that I know that I personally have many unopened emails, as well as way to many unopened texts, but I do want to read them. But I miss the moment because of something more pressing and then never make my way back. There are so many videos I want to watch, so many books I want to read, so many things I want to create. But as I journey through each day I can only pay attention to so many things. That made me think that if I have the opportunity to resend my email to unopens, on the internet or in life, I should take that gift and hit that resend button because the person on the other end may have missed it yesterday but will be happy to receive it today. Whether it’s a blog post, an invite to grab a coffee and catch up, a note to a local coffee shop to potentially display your work, or a thought that many make their day better.
And speaking of missing things, if I ever don’t respond to a comment or note from you it’s because I sometimes miss things. I get messages in instagram, my personal or business facebook DM’s, five different emails (I know that’s totally crazy), comments on my website and YouTube channel, and not to mention text messages. I do my best to respond, but sometimes miss things or read a note at a busy time and then can’t find it later when I am have time to respond. But I always try to trust the universe that if it needs my attention, it will present itself again…always feel free to resend if I don’t respond.
So long story short, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about what a blessing it is to know you can always resend to unopens in life and see what magic might happen!
And speaking about never giving up…here is my morning fun as I push myself to be more spontaneous and whimsical. So what are you pushing the resend button on?