Tufted Titmouse Oil Painting Demo

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Capturing the whimsical personality of a sweet bird is all in the eyes. It's where you see inside to the spirit. The spontaneous colors added with R&F Pigment sticks adds to the fun energy of the painting. I am always aiming to push myself in my style, slow and steady, a little bit at a time. It’s almost imperceptible, but when you look back at previous paintings you can see it. If you dedicate the time for your craft, carving out time every day, even if only for an hour, growth will happen. Have faith, stay committed to doing what you love and you will grow in whatever you choose to focus on. Just like magic…or just lots of hard work. The more you work the more the magic happens! So, what should I name him?


One of my paintings circa 2012, big progress since then, right?