spreading some sunshine

I always look forward to Wednesday mornings! I love our group that shows up to learn, support me and cheer me on each week. I am thankful to know all of you, even if only virtually.

Social media has, without a doubt, been a blessing for me.

  • I’ve made new friends, both virtual and in-person, too many to count. Which otherwise would never have happened.

  • It has opened doors and opportunities for me that have been nothing short of amazing…like the chance to teach a workshop in France next June (pinch me!) (https://perigord-retreats.com/kim-smith-workshop/)

  • And social media provides endless inspiration for, not only how to get things accomplished in my business, but actual inspiration for creativity.

So, as much as social media sometimes get a bad rap, it really has been a blessing for me. There’s always something new to learn, and things are constantly changing, but that’s the only constant in life, change, right? But long story short, count me in because I would not ever had the chance to know so many of you wonderful souls otherwise!

A knowledge nugget I learned while proofreading this article:

Bad rap is the original phrase meaning "a bad or undeserved reputation." Bad rep, which contains the literal shortening of "reputation," has historically been interpreted as a spelling error, but has seen enough usage to merit entry. Bad wrap is considered wrong and is best saved for referring to wraps and tortillas.

Who knew?

If you’d like to join me, I paint live each Wednesday morning on Instagram at 8 am eastern time. Stop by and you will meet some amazing artists!