The ups and downs of show season

I just had to share one of my newest and largest paintings to-date. It’s titled “waiting to bloom,”, 36” x 48”.

I just finished the Rehoboth Art League Fine Art & Craft Show which ran for the first two weekends in August. It’s a show that I have done many times…and there are always ups and downs. And to be honest, the setting up and the tearing down of my booth are the exhausting part…talking with fellow artists, friends and collectors is the fun part.

I am just past the halfway point of eight weekends of shows this season, I have three more to go…Mount Gretna this coming weekend, then Longs Park Art Show in a few weeks, followed by the Rittenhouse Square Fine Art Show in September, so the end is in sight. (You can see my upcoming show list through the button below.)

And to be honest, eight weekends of shows, and working all week long is just too exhausting. It’s even a lot to keep up with having enough art for each show, which is a fabulous problem to have, I know…but can also feel overwhelming.

So my goal is to narrow down what shows I do to four weekends…sounds like a reasonable goal. It’s all about keeping the balance and keeping the process fun and inspiring…right?

Art is a delicate balance of inspiration, hard work, passion and magic…how do you balance it all?