Thresholds...reflecting on life’s transitional moments

Thinking about the thresholds of life... the pause between what was and what will be...

A few weeks ago, during a visit to the Museum of Modern Art in Boston with my mastermind group, I randomly captured a photo of a sign. Here’s an excerpt:


We experience thresholds every day. Sometimes they mark being inside or outside a place, like standing in a doorway, sitting on a window ledge, or passing through a gate. A threshold can also be a feeling, like when we hold back tears, burst into laughter, or reach our breaking point. These spatial and emotional experiences help us discern the presence or absence of care.

As I find myself at a significant age threshold today, it feels like I’m standing in a doorway between the beginning of my life and a new journey forward—much like the start of a new year, marked by fresh beginnings, updated goals, and wish lists. Today, I am stepping into a new decade of life.

On this journey, I hope to discover what truly makes my heart sing—great friends, joyful expression and exploration, and a willingness to embrace new adventures. Slowing down, being present, sharing hugs and laughter, and spending quality time with those I hold closest to my heart.

Here’s to the next third of my life. I hope you will come along for the ride!

This one is titled “thresholds”…