What does it take?


Well, first of all, let me tell you what “it” doesn’t take to practice your passion. It doesn’t take endless hours of free time, a perfect, beautiful, sunlit studio, top-of-the-line expensive art supplies, or even natural “talent” to become an artist. 

What it does take is dedicating time each day to practice, even if only a half hour (I generally only paint for an hour each day). It takes a small space where you can leave your supplies out so you are ready to go whenever you find a minute to create, and so you don’t need to use your precious time to set up and clean up each time. It takes whatever art supplies you have on hand, even if only a pencil and a piece of paper. And, of course, it takes the desire to learn and grow your practice. That’s it.

I made the commitment to myself about eight years ago to get up and paint before my workday at my marketing and design business, TCG Design, began. It was when my youngest was ten years old and was becoming a bit more independent.  At first it wasn’t easy, sleep often won out. But little by little, the habit formed and it got easier and easier to wake up early. Now it’s a part of my day that I can’t imagine living without.

And, as time passed, and my paintings improved, little by little, and let me tell you the progress was slow. So fast forward to now and my artistic practice is a big part of who I am. I can’t wait to wake up each day and head into my basement studio in my pjs to paint. It brings me endless joy.

So, if this sounds anything like you, you can join me on my newest adventure, the Inspiring Art Collective where we will learn, explore creativity, and grow together each month, all year long. It’s going to be so much fun!

Registration opens on March 9th. Click the below to be on the list to be notified when it’s time to sign up! I hope you will join me!