What does you favorite shade of green say about you?

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Which shade of green do you resonate most with?

Viridian—You are a flexible and charming artist, you are always ready to explore somehting new.

Cinnabar Green Light—You are extraordinarily caring, social and popular, always eager to help.

Cadmium Green Light—You are enthusiastic, creative, sociable and a bit of a free spirit, you always find a reason to smile.

Phthalo Green—You are quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and an idealist.

Sap Green—You are poetic and kind, always eager to help a good cause.

Cobalt Green—You are spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic. You are a cheerleader to those around you.

Transparent Yellow Green—You are smart, energetic and very perceptive. You enjoy living on the edge.

I love all shades of green, but find the complexities overwhelming at times. And that’s a sign to slow down and explore. We are exploring greens in my Inspiring Art Collective this week where we explore art, painting, inspiration and things creative. If this sound fun to you, drop your name in the link below to know when it opens up for enrollment this fall!

So which shade of green did you choose? And was the description accurate? Let me know in the comments below!