Whew! That was exhausting!


Going on this crazy wild artistic journey that I’ve chosen (who am I kidding, it chose me!), often feels like childbirth. Do you know what I mean? By the time you are in the throws of it, you realize there is no turning back, no hitting the undo button (my fav, command z, I’d love one for real life). The only way to proceed is straight through the messy middle of it.

That’s how I was feeling much of the last couple of months. Between preparing for my art show at Red Raven (https://redravenartcompany.com/) , launching Art in Bloom, my online floral oil painting course, and doing my one and only outdoor art show of the year https://www.rittenhousesquareart.com/ his past weekend in Philadelphia, in the midst of it all it felt overwhelming, but the only way to go was onward and upward. And do I did.

Although at times overwhelming, it all went really, really well. And the outdoor show was a great culmination of all of my hard work. Being outside in sunny Philadelphia with beautiful autumn weather, I could not have wished for a nicer weekend.

Thanks to all of you who stopped by to see me, support my art, and cheer me on. I had family, friends, both old and new, and even my college roommate and her family make the trip to see me, and I am ever grateful. And icing on the cake is that five of my large paintings found new loving homes, and that makes me endlessly happy.

I am ever-grateful for this crazy reckless journey of mine. And remembering that everything happens in it’s own good time. Time to work, time to rest, time for creativity, time for pause, being present in the moment and looking forward to whatever comes next, is what it’s all about. Remember to enjoy your messy middles because without them you never get to see what magical thing is just around the corner!