You are exactly where you are meant to be...

And other things I continually tell myself.

They say you have to hear something 7 to 10 times before you listen. Sometimes with me it may be more like a lifetime. So I made a few notes to myself to remember as I wander through this amazing artistic journey I’m on.

These apply not only to art, but to life—to whatever you are pouring yourself into right now—cooking, baking, working out, playing the piano, learning a new language, gardening…you get the idea.

  1. Be kind to yourself. As my mother always said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Even to yourself.

  2. This is a journey, not a destination. There will always be ups and downs, twists and turns, this is life. That’s okay.

  3. Don’t be critical of outcomes. Make something with all of your heart. Call it finished. Step back and think about what worked, what didn’t. And then make something new.

  4. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Take risks, try new things.

  5. Try to lose yourself in whatever you are doing, that’s usually when the magic happens.

  6. Two steps forward, one step back. Not all days/paintings, etc., are forward. That’s okay.

  7. Never stop learning. Not ever. We are living in a time when learning is at our fingertips and each new thing you learn ads to your tool kit of creativity.

  8. Be grateful.

  9. You are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. Don’t rush. Be patient.

Print this out and think of one of these thoughts before you begin each day. Never stop believing in yourself or this wonderful crazy journey we are on.

And speaking of learning new things, I have an offer for you from skill Share where I often go to learn something new! Things like creating repeat patterns, Iphone photography, and some really fun classes from Ohn Mar Win on illustration. If you’d like to give it a try they are offing a 1-month free trial right now for a limited time. Enjoy!