
Or, where expectations and reality collide…

I don’t know if you are like me, but I look forward to summer all year long. I love warm weather, long lazy days, spontaneous weekend trips to fun places, bike rides along the river and time reading a favorite book on my front porch, which is my favorite spot in my house, besides my studio. :)

Thing is, even though these are things I look forward to each year, summer is rarely actually filled with these things. My expectations, and what’s actually possible in reality, collide.

In reality, as I squeeze a few of these fun things into my schedule, everything else that needs to be accomplished gets more condensed, more stressful.

That’s where setting realistic expectations is so very important, in your life as well as in your art. Maybe all of those fun things can’t happen in the few weeks of summer, and maybe some of the “must-do’s” need to fall to the side for a few weeks. Maybe you need to put less pressure on yourself to accomplish everything, or to achieve an artistic goal in a short time. Life takes time and patience, and so does creating art.

Be patient and trust that everything will get accomplished in it’s own sweet time, while you are busy doing the things that you love…