Gerbera Daisy oil painting demo

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Simplicity, when you can hold onto it, is almost always best. Simplicity of color, of brushstroke, of composition. I am continually striving for simplicity. It sounds like it should be just that, simple, but often it’s anything but simple. It’s one of my biggest challenges. Partly because creating art is so much fun that getting lost in the moment and going too far can happen in the blink of an eye. Or overworking a painting until it loses its magic is a common mistake. Knowing when to stop is very important, and for me it’s really all about intuition. So I will keep striving for simplicity, and have fun all along the way. Because simplicity is refreshing and entices your eyes and your heart to land and linger for a while. And what’s better than that?

This gerbera daisy was painted live on Instagram on a beautiful summer Wednesday in August, 2020. I hope you enjoy watching it come to life!

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