
I adore anything that Lori Seibert (https://lorisiebert.com/) touches. And she hosted a few challenges last year that looked like so much fun, so when she posted her #happyyouin22 challenge with her daugther @snippetsoswhimsy and @tracyverdugo, I thought, I’m in!

Of course, I really don’t have time to squeeze one more thing into my day when what I am craving most right now is peace and calm, but what could be more fun than spending some time creating with no expectation for outcome, in my sketchbook that I’ve had just waiting for some love and attention?

The prompts were one every other day, which made it super manageable, if they had been one each day I could never have kept up.

Here are some things that I learned…

  • having a concept behind what I was creating ads both a challenge as well as some great structure and comforting parameters…sometimes have a wide open space of anything can feel overwhelming…

  • the time constraint forces me to just dive in without overthinking

  • to take risks, be larger and louder than I’m comfortable with artistically, with no expectation for outcome

  • to just play and have fun!

And the best part is, I don’t plan to stop! They say doing something for a month creates a habit…I sure hope so!

Click the link below for my list of my favorite supplies that I use when working in my sketchbook…enjoy!