Rittenhouse Square Fine Art Show Spring 2022

The Rittenhouse Fine Art Show is always one of my favorite shows of the season. I could not have wished for a better weekend…the weather was perfect, attendance was great and the energy of the show was infectious!

It’s a three day show plus set up on the Thursday before. To be honest, the lead up to the shows are always a bit overwhelming to me, as I am relatively new to doing outdoor shows. In the midst of the prep and set up (and this one was stressful because we finished just minutes before a big storm), I usually decide that I’ve totally lost my mind and should never apply to do a show ever again.

But then the show opens and it’s so much fun when my “virtual” friends visit me and become in-person friends, when I get to see the reaction to my art and get to meet the collectors who decide to make my art part of their world. How amazing it that!?!

And then I decide maybe I’ll do one more and see how that one goes…and so it goes on…

Best thing is I sold so many painting that I’ve had to hit the ground running to have enough for my next show…and that’s nothing short of a dream come true!