honor the ebb

Oh, summer…my favorite time of the year! Flip flops, ice pops and long lazy days by the pool. It’s been a long time since my summers felt anything even the slightest bit like that, but even so, life always seems just a little bit easier in the summer. A glass of wine on the porch on a warm evening, or a trip for ice cream after a long day goes a long way. It’s when life all falls together a bit more effortlessly. And that is a great reminder that when you’re struggling, with your art, or something in your life, that’s there are always ebbs and flows. And if you are in an ebb, another flow is just around the bend. Just like if you are in a season of life where it all feels heavy, or not feeing inspired creatively, stop and remember that the ebbs make you really appreciate the flows. The ebbs are to remind you how precious the flows are…and around and around we go…wishing you endless flows with only a few gentle ebb reminders sprinkled in for good measure…