Just play!


Why is it that as we get older we forget how to play? It’s so easy when we are young, we can easily get lost in our imagination. We can daydream and pretend with no care of time. But little by little, bit by bit, we lose that ability. And it’s so gradual that we don’t even see it slipping away.

In order to be creative we need to find this sacred space in any way we can. Whether by taking the day off from work to go somewhere and explore, getting lost in a wonderful book or movie, or going into your studio to simply play.

For me, it’s time in the studio playing, exploring art supplies, trying something completely new. I’ve been using acrylic abstract painting as my way to get out of my brain, my conscious thought. Creating without trying to control the outcome. When I spend time creating outside of my comfort zone, I come back to my oil painting refreshed and full of inspiration.

Developing your art is a push and pull, it’s slow and gradual process of learning skills, allowing them to become habit, and then trusting your intuition to take what you’ve learned and run with it.

But little by little, bit by bit, as you practice, your art will improve, but it can be so gradual that we don’t even see it evolving. Trust the process.

What is your favorite way to keep the fun in your creative practice?