Lessons from a pro

I have a painting of my dad that I did years ago when I started this art journey of mine. and he watches over me every day as I paint.

His name was Bob, or as many called him, the big guy. He was meticulous, a very hard worker, had high standards for himself as well as those around him. And was very dedicated to his family. He had a strong personality and ruled our home that way. I think mostly because my mother died when I was 12 from a battle with cancer and he was left to raise me on his own. I really don’t remember what he was like before then, nor do I remember my mother, other than from photos. I had two older sisters who were both grown and out of the house when my mother passed away, so it was just the two of us at home for a few years until he married my step-mother. 

He was painter and wallpaper hanger by trade and was a perfectionist and very, very good at what he did. The best around. He always said if you are going to do something do it the right way or don’t do it at all. He liked everything neat and in its place. Putting things back where they belong was an absolute must. His expectation was always be at least twenty minutes early for appointments. He also told me that if I ever run out of gas, don’t call him to help, because that absolutely should never happen. He would do anything to help out a friend and had many great lifelong friends. He set high expectations for himself as well as those around him, And he set these expectations for me, too.. 

I did okay at some of his expectations, others not so much. I’m still not a very neat and tidy person, especially in my studio. I am usually early for things, I try my best to put things away and I am a very hard worker, and have never run out of gas. I have a kind heart and appreciate my friends and family to the ends of the earth. He taugt me well and I think he would be proud. I love having him watch over me all of thse years…thanks big guy!