Note to self...

I’ve been working on building a habit of writing morning pages, they are a concept from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, I’ve mentioned it before, I’m sure. And to be honest, it’s been a slow start, but a steady one so I’ll be happy with that. It’s like a diary for me, I just start writing something and then let my mind wander as it so easily does. And I never know if I’m writing to you or to me, but it really doesn’t matter...

I’m sharing my writing from earlier this week, 7/23/24

Back at it on a Tuesday. Forgot to write for a few days but I’m giving myself that grace for now, and then, over time, build the habit of daily writing. I think the worst part is that I don’t want to keep all of these tablets filled with my thoughts poured out all over them. I somehow have no problem holding on to most paintings with my visual thoughts poured out but I don’t like keeping my words. They are somehow much more personal. But they’re not. My art is so personal. It’s a visual representation of me, of my progress, of my successes, and my failures. Of my good days and bad, of my ups and downs, of my risks and safe places to land, of the easy things to hide behind when I’m unsure or feeling like my confidence cup is half empty. My confidence cup can fill, empty, and fill again all within one painting, rising and falling like the tide.

But the thing is to know that, and embrace it, and just keep going forward. Keep your head up, keep trying, love the process and don’t concern yourself with the end result. Not yet. Maybe not ever. Don’t try to control the process so much because you never really are in control anyway. Just try to stay in a positive, accepting, curious place in your mind and allow that to guide you. Whether you are painting, cooking, or cleaning out your closet. Stay open to possibilities, new directions, and also stay quiet, and listen closely to your intuition. She’s always the one you should listen to most. Your intuition knows best, life is just sometimes too loud to hear her. So for today, I wish you time to be creative, space to allow the magic to happen, okayness with where you are in your journey, confidence to keep on going and quiet to hear where you intuition is guiding you. Wishing you abundant creativity to make your hear sing. With love…